Public Speaking

I speak regularly on MeetUps and conferences. I also (co-)organize sessions and conferences. Below you can find a selection of my community contributions over the last couple of years:

You can also find more details of most of the sessions in my
public Sessionize profile.


NDC London 2024
February 2024 – London – United Kingdom
How to get a grip on your microservices system using a service-mesh


Update Conference Prague 2023
November 2023 – Prague – Czech Republic
– Symphony No. 42 in C#, Op. 1, Conducted by Dapr Workflow

Techorama NL 2023
October 2023 – Utrecht – The Netherlands
– Dapr Workshop


Update Conference Prague 2022
November 2022 – Prague – Czech Republic
– Get up to speed with Dapr
Lessons learned implementing CQRS, DDD and Event Sourcing in .NET

DotNetDays Romania 2022
October 2022 – Iaşi – Romania
– Dapr workshop
Lessons learned implementing CQRS, DDD and Event Sourcing in .NET

Techorama NL 2022
October 2022 – Utrecht – The Netherlands
– How to get a grip on your microservices system using a service-mesh

DotNed Saturday 2022
May 2022 – Hilversum – The Netherlands
– Lessons learned implementing a cloud-native architecture in .NET

DevSum Sweden 2022
May 2022 – Stockholm – Sweden
– Lessons learned implementing a cloud-native architecture in .NET
How to get a grip on your microservices system using a service-mesh


dotnetFlix – What’s new in .NET 6?
October 2021 – Online
What’s new in .NET 6 – part 1

Azure Community Conference 2021
October 2021 – Online
– Dapr Workshop

DaprCon 2021
October 2021 – Online
Dapr Workshop

Digital Architecture Design Day 2021
October 2021 – Amersfoort – The Netherlands
– How to get a grip on your microservices system using a service-mesh

DotNed Usergroup event
August 2021 – Veenendaal – The Netherlands
– What’s new in .NET 6

Rocket Mortgage (former Quicken Loans)
July 2021 – Online
– Dapr workshop

Avans Hogeschool
April 2021 – Online
– Cloud native architecture workshop

DotNext St. Petersburg
April 2021 – Online
– Advanced Dapr
– Dapr Workshop

Copenhagen .NET Usergroup
March 2021 – Online
– Advanced Dapr

DotNet Days Romania
February 2021 – Online
– How to get a grip on your microservices system using a service mesh

Techorama Cafe
February 2021 – Online
– Advanced Dapr

NDC London
January 2021 – Online
– Advanced Dapr

DotNed Usergroup meeting
January 2021 – Online
– Advanced Dapr


Virtual Azure Community Day
December 2020 – Online
eShopOnDapr – build microservice applications the easy way

India Azure Community Conference 2020
November 2020 – Online
eShopOnDapr – build microservice applications the easy way

Dutch Azure MeetUp
September 2020 – Veenendaal – The Netherlands
Dapr: build microservice applications the easy way (presentation + workshop)

.NET Core Summer Event 2020
June 2020 – Online
– Organizer of the conference
See all sessions

Info Support Advanced Lockdown Lecture
April 2020 – Online
Krijg grip op je microservices met een service mesh (dutch)

Azure Thursdays MeetUp
February 2020 – Utrecht – The Netherlands
Building IoT Edge solutions

.NET Saturday 2020
January 2020 – Veenendaal – The Netherlands
– How to get a grip on your microservices system using a service-mesh


Update Conference Prague 2019
November 2019 – Prague – Czech Republic
Building high-performance event-driven systems using NATS
– How to build IoT solutions using Azure IoT Edge

Dutch Azure MeetUp
October 2019 – Amstelveen – The Netherlands
Building IoT solutions using Azure IoT Edge

Techorama NL 2019
October 2019 – Ede – The Netherlands
– Building high performance event-driven systems using NATS

.NET Core Summer Event
June 2019 – Veenendaal – The Netherlands
– Organizer of the event
How to build Windows desktop apps with .NET Core 3

DevSum Sweden 2019
May 2019 – Stockholm – Sweden
– Building IoT Solutions using Azure IoT Edge

Techorama Belgium 2019
May 2019 – Antwerp – Belgium
How to get a grip on your microservices system using a service mesh

Cloud-native Architecture NL MeetUp
May 2019 – Utrecht – The Netherlands
– Controlling microservices with a service-mesh

DotNext 2019
May 2019 – St. Petersburg – Russia
How to get a grip on your microservices system using a service mesh

FutureTech 2019
March 2019 – Utrecht – The Netherlands
Building IoT solutions using Azure IoT Edge

Azure Saturday Berlin
February 2019 – Berlin – Germany
– Building Awesome 8-bit Adventure Games with Microsoft Bot Framework v4

.NET Saturday 2019
January 2019 – Veenendaal – The Netherlands
– Building microservices with .NET Core and Docker

.NET Zuid User Group
January 2019 – Eindhoven – The Netherlands
– Building Awesome 8-bit Adventure Games with Microsoft Bot Framework v4


Dutch Azure MeetUp
December 2018 – Amsterdam – The Netherlands
– Workshop: Building Awesome 8-bit Adventure Games with Microsoft Bot Framework

.NET Rocks! interview
November 2018 – Prague – Czech Republic
Building Awesome 8-bit Adventure Games with Microsoft Bot Framework

Update Conference Prague 2018
November 2018 – Prague – Czech Republic
Building concurrent systems using Akka.NET
Building Awesome 8-bit Adventure Games with Microsoft Bot Framework

Internet & Mobile World 2018
October 2018 – Bucharest – Romania
– Combine .NET Core and Docker to build microservices based systems

DotNext 2018
April 2018 – St. Petersburg – Russia
Building microservices with .NET Core and Docker

.NET Saturday 2018
January 2018 – Veenendaal – The Netherlands
Building Actor Model systems using Akka.NET


Microsoft TechDays 2017
October 2017 – Amsterdam – The Netherlands
Building Actor Model systems using Akka.NET
Building a microservices based application with .NET Core and Docker
Build an Old School Adventure Game using the Microsoft Bot Framework (Dutch)

Craiova software and technology MeetUp
September 2017 – Craiova – Romania
– Web-scale architecture concepts + building microservices with .NET Core and Docker

DDD Europe 2017
January 2017 – Amsterdam – The Netherlands
Building Actor Model systems using Akka.NET


Microsoft TechDays 2016
October 2016 – Amsterdam – The Netherlands
– Building Actor Model systems using Akka.NET


Microsoft TechDays 2012
February 2012 – The Hague – The Netherlands
Messaging Patterns met Azure Service Bus (Dutch)


Microsoft DevDays 2011
April 2011 – The Hague – The Netherlands
– Debugging your Azure Applications
– Monitoring and managing your Azure Applications
– Leveraging Azure in heterogeneous environments